The film is called “time not time” since from a time without beginning yet it comes from a sacred place of Hinduism: Benares/Varanesi where sadhus, pilgrims by the thousands and thousands immerse themselves in the Ganges. Nothing documentary, he puts together shots of lush gardens crossed by a path, that of an artistic residence rarely visible to the advantage of a poetry of the fundamental elements that make up the world.

sculpting the material from grain to visible images; from the filmstrip to the icon carried by musical variations according to the option of the plan. Harsh, pianistic, organs in flight, serial outbursts, the music draws the four elements along in a vertical movement passing from the sky streaked by the flight of birds, to mist, smoke, to large flames, to black with sparks, to the water before their annihilation in the black barred with surreptitious stripes just as much as the plants of the incipit. The shadows replace the sharp leaves, the foliage on a bluish sky slips towards abstraction, such a slight superimposition erases the realistic decision, the rustle of the trees replaces the musical precision, the sound of a repetitive shock in the water is not annunciator of the element image. Foreign plans overflow the assignment to a precise place with cracked beach of dryness, with misty steppe. Black solves them too.

The body is burned near the Ghats, their physical remains are not frightening, since the body is only a vehicle, a passage for the believer in reincarnation away from our concepts of life and death, the believer aspiring to Nirvana , the step without a body.

Echoes are intrigued there. The pre-Socratic philosopher sought to discover the arkhe/the beginning of the cosmos. He thinks of nature as an incessant work of mixtures and exchanges by union and separation, affinity and repulsion. He explains the constitution of the world by the combination of four "roots" - he does not use the term "elements" - fundamental: earth, air, fire and water, generators of all things. He thinks like a poet.

from time without beginning composes its relationship to the world poetically, in distinct and confused music/image echoes. The difference is erased in its composition to form it, deform it in a vital movement in knowledge of the fundamentals of cinema, each component of which is and is no longer for the film to be.

~ Rencontres Internationales Traverse, translation by Google Translate